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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/14/23 Loving Them to the End Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Loving_Them_To_End.mp3
05/07/23 Psalm 119: Understanding God's Word Zack Howard N/A Sun PM Psalm_119_1.mp3
05/07/23 Applying Wisdom in the Fear of the Lord: Finding True Friendship Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Proverbs_Friend.mp3
04/30/23 A New Song Zack Howard N/A Sun PM A_New_Song_.mp3
04/30/23 Shadows of Jesus in the OT: Isaac and Substitution Zack Howard N/A Sun AM April_Typography.mp3
04/23/23 Time to Wake Up! Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Time_To_Wake_Up.mp3
04/23/23 God Will Sustain You. Zack Howard N/A Sun AM God_Will_Sustain_You.mp3
04/16/23 How Can the Church be Benevelont? Zack Howard N/A Sun PM Benevolence_.mp3
04/16/23 Dealing With Tragedy Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Dealing_With_Tragedy_.mp3
04/09/23 Gehazi's Greed. Zack Howard N/A Sun PM Gehazis_Greed.mp3
04/09/23 My Strength and My Song Zack Howard N/A Sun AM My_Strength_And_My_Song.mp3
04/02/23 Armed With Christlike Thinking Zack Howard N/A Sun PM Armed_With_Christlike_Thinking.mp3
04/02/23 Applying Wisdom in the Fear of The Lord: The Destruction of the Sluggard Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Destruction_Of_The_Sluggard.mp3
03/26/23 Q&A: Lex Talionis? God and Falsehood? Anointing in the NT? Zack Howard N/A Sun PM QA_March.mp3
03/26/23 Shadows of Jesus in the OT: The Shepherd Abel and Death Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Abel_And_Death.mp3
03/19/23 The Non-Optional Aspect of Discipleship Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Non_Optional_Discip.mp3
03/12/23 Storms and Snakebites Zack Howard N/A Sun PM Storms_And_Snakebites_.mp3
03/12/23 Understanding Non-Linear Maturation Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Understanding_Non-Linear_Maturation.mp3
03/05/23 Applying Wisdom in the Fear of The Lord: The Ten Speeches of the Father Zack Howard N/A Sun AM 2023-03-05_10-19-50.mp3
03/05/23 All Things to All People Zack Howard N/A Sun PM All_Things_To_All_People.mp3
02/26/23 Allowing Love to Guide Our Steps Zack Howard N/A Sun PM Allowing_Love_To_guide_Our_Steps.mp3
02/26/23 Shadows Of Jesus in the OT: Comparing Adam and Jesus Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Adam_And_Jesus_.mp3
02/19/23 Dangerous Spiritual Potholes Zack Howard N/A Sun AM Spiritual_Dangerous_Potholes.mp3
02/19/23 Q&A: Predestination, Fall of Satan, Imprisoned Spirits. Zack Howard N/A Sun PM QA_Feb.mp3
02/05/23 Lessons from Wisdom and Folly. Zack Howard N/A Sun AM February_Proverbs.mp3

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